Friday, December 31, 2010

WOO-HOO! 2011!

Ahhhh, the New Year. I don't know about you, but I get so excited for the incoming year! It's a time to look with hope and excitement toward a bright and shiny future ~ to break old habits and become better versions of ourselves ~ to write a list of goals and resolutions, stick to them like glue for the first 2-3 weeks and then forget you'd ever set out to reach them in the first place. {sigh}

Last year, SNDR was brand-spankin' new & I felt compelled to share my list of goals for 2010. I then set about failing to fully reach any of them. That's not entirely true ~ I'm being too hard on myself ~ but I have to admit that I half-a$$ed it through quite a few of the items on my list. I did use my sewing machine, but I've far from mastered it. I learned to crochet, but still can't knit. I ran the full 5k distance on a handful of occasions, but I never entered a race. I spent more time going out with friends, but it still wasn't as much as I'd hoped for. I did give more generously to food banks and the like & I did try out quite a few new recipes, although I'm not sure if I pulled off 1 per month. I started on the bedroom, made myself a new headboard and chose a paint color, but I didn't get around to purchasing or using the paint & the hampers in my bedroom can't seem to stay away for more than a couple of weeks at a time. My sleep schedule is still seriously jacked up ~ and it's even worse than it has been b/c of Christmas "vacation". Oh...and I haven't given up swearing ~ I'm not sure that's even possible for me, really.

As I was sitting here thinking about my {massive} failure, I came to the conclusion that the reason I didn't reach my goals is because I didn't write them out and put them someplace where I would come face to face with them every day. I was contemplating writing them down on a very stylish & sexy sheet of college-ruled notebook paper when Jen at TT&J posted a link to a blog I've never happened upon before. I headed over to 30 Days and saw an adorable printable that Mique has been kind enough to share with us all. It's super cute and happy! Unfortunately it doesn't quite go with what I have going on in my craft I used her printable as inspiration and made one of my own, which I'm also sharing with you all!


Click here to download the 8x10.

And remember, you can always have it printed at your local photo lab if you don't have a color printer.

Of course, making this myself allowed me to go back into PS & type in my goals for the year after I'd saved the blank printable for you loveleys ~ now all I have to do is head to Costco tomorrow and pick up my I can tack it up right next to my computer....where it will stare me in the eye every day. Hopefully I'll do better w/ sticking to my goals in the new year!

I hope everyone has a fantastic time ringing in the new year ~ Be Smart ~ Be Safe ~ PLEASE Don't Drink & Drive! HAPPY NEW YEAR!



  1. I could so use this as a reminder, thanks so much! I found you through fashion in the forest.


  2. No problem! I love your blog! :)

  3. This is so cute. I am bookmarking this as I will need reminders!! Thank you for sharing. Love your humor!!



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