Saturday, July 21, 2012

Recording Summer

Summer Vacation is in full swing & for me (for a lot of us, I'm guessing) that means activities, play time, fun day-trips, weekends away, full-on vacations, and the ever-present list of things we {have to} do. With all of that going on, I'm having a hard time finding time (and motivation!) to do some of the projects I'd like to do.

That doesn't mean I've been slacking completely. Though, I'm not gonna's close.

The project I'm sharing today is one that takes, literally, seconds. Every day this summer, I'm posting a photo on Facebook of what my kids are up to. I started on the first day of summer vacation (which was technically a half-day, as their last day of school let out just after noon) and I haven't missed a day yet. Usually I go with the easiest available method...Instagram. Here are just a few f the photos I've taken over our summer break, so far.


I realized pretty quickly that no one was going to be excited about seeing pictures of the kids swimming in the pool or us out on the boat ~ so I took that as a personal challenge to try to get as many different types of activities as I could. Bike rides, trips to the library, getting treats from the ice cream truck, baseball games, fireworks, catching fireflies... These are just a few of the things we've done so far this summer. Next week we'll add a trip to the zoo, and see what other fun new things we can try.

It's a little late to do it now, but think about it for next summer, for sure. Recording something every day keeps you from falling into the trap of doing the same thing all the time, keeps your friends & family up on what you've been up to, and gets you in the habit of recording the moments - even if they seem mundane or boring - that make your life {Your Life}. And, bonus - if you're a scrapbook person, you'll have a lot to work with when summer is over and you have some time again! ;)


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