Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Another year...GONE!

Wow - hard to believe we're already at the end of 2012! Our holiday season has been filled with fun, and very very busy. Our elf, Elliot, was busy, too, and he got himself into all sorts of fun situations. He was crowned "Mr. North Pole" - complete with tinfoil crown and sash, and surrounded by a throng of Barbies. He zip-lined through the house using a candy cane. He put on a concert, went disco dancing, robbed the tiny people's piggy banks & was caught in the act by Sheriff Woody. He also colored the girls' noses red and put red felt noses on their lovies, went fishing for Swedish fish, drank the syrup through a straw, toilet papered the Christmas tree, replaced all of our stockings with underpants, and did his very best imitation of the Grinch. I didn't post his every move here - I figured there was enough of that happening in blogland...and Elliot had his own Facebook page, which was more than enough to keep up with! It sure was fun, though!

Now that Christmas is over (although the mess remains!) it's time to look forward to the new year. Like last year, I wanted to make a
Resolutions Printable. I put mine up on the wall above my desk so I can see it every day, and it helps me to hold myself accountable. I didn't do too badly with the 2012 list, and I'm hoping I can do even better with 2013!

Here's what the new printable looks like... I hope you like it! One of my gifts this year was a color printer (YIPPEEEE!!!), so I have a feeling there are going to be a whole bunch of new printables coming your way in the new year. :)
