Saturday, July 23, 2011

Happy Weekend!

It's the {weekend}! That means it's time for the Weekend Wrap-Up Party at Tatertots & Jello! I've got 2 posts linked up this week. Head on over and see what amazing inspiration awaits!

Join  us Saturdays at for the weekend wrap<br /> up           party!


Tuesday, July 19, 2011

{happily} ever after.

I got bored this evening and decided to work on a little printable for you lovely folks. I saw something like this on TV the other day ~ and now I cannot remember where I saw it to save my life, I swear. When I saw it, I thought that it would make a lovely gift for a newly engaged or newly married couple ~ or even for a little girl's know...if you can find a little girl who's into that {fairy tale} stuff. ;) So here they are...


Click here to download {Purple}


Click here to download {Blue}


Click here to download {Orange}


Click here to download {Pink}

These are sized to an 8x8, but could probably go a bit bigger if you wanted them to. Remember, if your lab doesn't offer an 8x8 size, you can drag this file onto an 8x10 background (make the background grey so it stands out) and have it printed as an 8x10. The lovely folks at the lab will likely be kind enough to cut it down for you if you smile pretty and bat your eyes.



Are You {Pinterest}ed?

When I first heard about {Pinterest} I purposely avoided checking it out...because I simply {knew} it would be the time-suck to beat them all. And I was right!

If you've never heard of Pinterest, let me explain what it is... This highly-addictive website allows you to "pin" items you've seen online and save them to different categories on your own Pin Boards. It's a simple, quick, and fun way to keep track of all of the great things you see online! Craft ideas, books you'd like to read, decorating inspiration, even enviable fashion finds. You can also follow your friends' boards & re-pin items you see on their boards to your own! I'm telling you ~ It's {love}!

Going hand-in-hand with Pinterest ~ at least for me ~ is the equally fun and addictive site {Polyvore}. At Polyvore, you can scroll through pages upon pages of fashion items and put together your own outfits and collections! The whole she-bang ~ everything from shoes and purses to jeans to jewelry can be found on Polyvore ~ complete with the designer, store and price information. You can narrow your searches by price, color, brand, etc., too ~ making it easy to find exactly what you want at a price you can afford...or letting you dream of being able to afford a $5k handbag. ;) Anyway, the point is that you can hit Polyvore, put together a kickin' new outfit & publish it...and then Pin It to your Pinterest board! can also share your Polyvore creations on your blog! See....

Ready for Fall

Ready for Fall by spetrie5 featuring gold bangles

James Perse t shirt
$95 -

Hive Honey crochet vest
$30 -

Levi's bootcut jeans
$40 -

Nica tan handbag
£28 -

Kenneth Jay Lane gold bangle
€61 -

Oversized sunglasses
$32 -

Lie, and tell me that's not one of the {coolest} things you've ever seen! RIGHT!?!?!?! I're welcome. ;) Polyvore doesn't stop at fashion, either. Do a little searching and you'll find all sorts of decorating items, too. Furniture, rugs, headboards, you name it! Soooo much FUN!

Now, if you've heard of {Pinterest} before you might be thinking about the whole "waiting list" or "invitation" thing. I'll tell you ~ I didn't ask anyone for an invite, I just signed up, and I was accepted within 24 hours. So the "wait" isn't that bad. But, if you're not into waiting, and you'd like an invitation, I'll send one out to the first 3 people to ask nicely & leave an e-mail address in the comments. ;)


Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Getting Creative!

Summer is in full swing, and while I've been having difficulty carving out time for myself to get some projects done, I did manage to find some time to let the tiny people get creative. We busted out the paint kit that was given to them by their Aunt Cindy, and attached cardstock to our chainlink fence using clothespins. Instant {outdoor} easel!


Talk about a perfect solution ~ no mess inside the house, and the tiny people got to go crazy! The girls had a {blast} painting, and it was a great way to get them outside on a day that was going to turn rainy during prime playtime.

While they were already messy, I went ahead and had them each make a handprint ~ and now I'm looking for frames so that I can display one masterpiece from each of them, along with their handprints. Me thinks a trip to Ikea is going to have to happen sometime soon.
